Whether you need an experienced writer for an assignment or project, or expert editing of your own work, I’m happy to help.

I have a bachelor’s degree from Sacramento State University in Government-Journalism, and over 20 years experience as a professional writer:  arts and entertainment features, personal profiles, medical and health stories, business articles, essays and columns. I’m currently the editor-in-chief at N&R Publications, the custom pub arm of Sacramento News & Review, which also owns Chico News & Review. I am the former editor for Sacramento Indulge and Reno Indulge, N&R’s biannual dining guides.

For three years, I was the editor of Sierra Living, a lifestyle magazine that covered the Sierra Nevada and was published by Sacramento Media (owner of Sacramento Magazine). I was a freelance writer for Sacramento Magazine and its custom publications, Granite Bay View, Woman’s Day, the University of California’s Medicine and Synthesis, as well as several local newspapers, including Sacramento News & Review and the San Francisco Chronicle.

I’ve also written blogs and website copy for a variety of businesses and professionals, and have researched, ghost-written and edited court reports, journal articles and books.

Please feel free to check out my writing samples and other information on this site, and contact me if you have further questions.