A Writer's Life

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Working from home…

In 2013, the newly hired CEO of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, stopped employees from working at home–and set off a small firestorm, both at Yahoo and throughout the high tech industry, which championed–even used as their chief marketing strategy–the idea people can “work from anywhere.”

At the time of this controversy, I was running a small business, with, frankly, staffers who did very little work even when they were physically present. The idea they could work from home and actually get anything done was comical–if I left to take a deposit to the bank, they had themselves a sit-down and everyone started chatting. The business didn’t lend itself well to remote employees anyway, but I silently agreed with Ms. Mayer. She undoubtedly had a lot of highly paid Yahoo staff in slippers and a bathrobe, switching on CNN for “just a minute,” turning over laundry, taking the dog “for a really quick  walk,” driving a carload of kids to soccer–then frantically throwing something together at the last minute to meet a deadline. She knew it, and I knew it.

And how did I know it? Those slacker employees of mine, of course, but also: I’d worked at home. In fact, I’m back to working at home. And freelance writers are probably the most distractible and inefficient at-home workers there are. Yet we also don’t do well “collaborating with colleagues” in “hallways” or “cafeterias,” the public reason Ms. Mayer gave for pulling those Yahoo people out of their bathrobes and making them come to work. Obviously, unless you’re a paid staff writer, you don’t have an actual “office” full of co-workers to go to in the first place, and even if you do,  “collaborating” is usually just more goofing off to avoid sitting down and writing the story that’s due.


My home office

When I first moved back to my home office, it was blessedly quiet. I took a picture of it and sent it around to my friends–most of whom knew the contrast it posed to the “fishbowl” I’d worked in at my former business. Phone ringing off the hook, customers walking in, those staffers who wanted to chat. It was like trying to concentrate in the middle of a marketplace in Kathmandu. Suddenly, I was in an oasis of golden silence: kids at school, husband at work, nobody here but me–and the dog.

But wait–that dog! When had she become so high maintenance? Wapping her tail like a beaver the minute I go upstairs to my literary retreat, barking at the man who passes by EVERY SINGLE DAY with his small black completely innocuous pet. And the howling–like a wolf, like a prairie coyote–EVERY SINGLE TIME the firetrucks leave the station two blocks away.

Then there are the friends and relatives who believe me to be “bored” and “idle.” What do you do all day now? So there are extremely long–albeit enjoyable– coffee dates and lunches and visits and walks. Not to mention the “volunteer” projects I now succumb to–a Soccer Mom Survival basket to auction off at a club fundraiser, posters for the graduating varsity players at the high school, helping the media teacher launch a video program for local businesses.  And my mother’s retiree insurance is inexplicably cancelled, her printer won’t work, and she can’t open her pill bottle. Then–oh, no!!–my son’s teammate forgot his cleats and shin guards for an away game–an hour away!

I can and should say no to at least some of this, but after being trapped at an actual workplace for five years, it’s a little like being let out of jail. I can and will drop off those P.E. clothes, that forgotten lunch; have that second cup of coffee; write a really long personal email full of suburban analysis. And with the Paris attacks, it’s only right I turn CNN on, just for a minute...

You suppose Ms. Mayer could shoot me a stern memo?




Who Says…

…there are no seasons in California?

Mandatory Credit: Photo by (c)Paramount/Everett / Rex Features ( 794789a ) ORDINARY PEOPLE, Timothy Hutton, Mary Tyler Moore, 1980. ORDINARY PEOPLE, Timothy Hutton, Mary Tyler Moore, 1980

Photo by (c)Paramount/Everett / Rex Features ( 794789a )
ORDINARY PEOPLE, Timothy Hutton, Mary Tyler Moore, 1980.

I come from a place renowned for its autumns. Seriously, in the fall of 1979, Robert Redford shot the Academy-award winner  Ordinary People there, the place the novel was set, but also because it was so beautiful on film. When I moved  to Northern California, a whole lot of (jealous) midwesterners comforted themselves by suggesting I was “giving up fall.” The best season of the year.


E. Roseville Parkway, Granite Bay, CA

But fall is actually really gorgeous here. Starts later than back east, but lasts longer–no freak snow or ice storms taking all the leaves out in the span of a couple of hours. And I live in the City of Trees–or just east of it; and my house is just off E. Roseville Parkway, a long, aptly named, tree-lined boulevard.

This fall we are of course waiting for rain in Northern California too. Had a couple of good soaking storms already and people’s reactions were amusing. “Sweet Jesus, what is that sound?” one woman shouted to her husband. Water from the sky–haven’t had much of that lately. We are also excitedly ordering stylish rain boots and waterproof jackets, cleaning gutters, clearing room in the garage to bring in the cars. El Nino, which will deliver us from The Drought, is on its way.

But it’s also inconvenient when it actually rains. “Oh, I know we need the rain, but does it have to be today?” We’re so used to doing whatever we want, whenever we want, no concern for weather. It’s awful, it’s serious, This Terrible Drought. But it also gives us a Southern California lifestyle–sunny and warm every day–just without the exorbitant prices and freeway mazes and palm trees that don’t turn color in November.


Entrance to Ravinia Park, Highland Park, IL

Right now, I’ll enjoy walking up E. Roseville Parkway in this Northern California autumn–sometimes with my daughter, home from college; sometimes with my ex-staffer and a puppy named Sadie; sometimes alone thinking my private thoughts.

Like of my girlhood in a place far from here, that was also beautiful this time of year.

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